About Us
PHMinistries is an online ministry dedicated to walking with people offering prayers and teaching them how to pray to God.
We are a non denominational Christian Ministry, we do not associate with any church or sect of any religion, we are a ministry based on faith
Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
What is prayer?
Prayer isn’t magic, and isn’t used to get what we wan’t and it is not a thing for “holy” people as we are all sinners.
Prayer simply put is talking to God
We believe that God made us to be in a relationship with him, and we do falter in that relationship, but none the less God loves to hear from us, his children, we believe with an open heart and a heart full of faith God does hear us and will answer us with his will.
We are not Bible thumpers, but if you would like to have a conversation about God please reach out to us we would love to have that conversation.
You don’t need to be Christian to talk to God, God does not care about your skin color, or anything, he loves you, even if you do not call yourself a Christian, we will pray with you no mater who you are!
We simply believe in this.
Salvation is being saved or rescued from the penalty of separation from God. To be saved from your sin, take these three steps: Ask forgiveness for your sins; be willing to turn from your sins; and believe that Jesus Christ—our Lord and Savior—died for your sins and rose again.
Welcome to PHMinistries we look forward to praying with you!